Sunday, August 7, 2016

This is how you can earn dollars on Facebook

This is how you can earn dollars on Facebook

Are you crazy for Facebook? Then there is a good news for you. Now you can earn dollar through Facebook. This is not fake. Facebook has brought a new attractive feature. Now with the feature you will be able to earn a attractive money through nice posts.

Now with the help of this feature called ‘tip jar’, people can earn money instead of a like. with the use of this, user will make profit.

The verse has written about the new way to earn money through Facebook.

The Verse wrote that ‘Tip Jar’ is among the options in it. The feature does not work as a like button. It has been said that now users can earn money with every click on their good post.

The process through which money can be earned is called micro payment. It is a very old technique. companies to provide funding to their users.

Through this people will be able to spend money on their favorite post. This feature is expected to work very well on Facebook because, Facebook is very popular even though this feature did not work out well in different other websites. And Facebook is also the most used social site which adds up to it.

There have been many complains that Facebook does not share it’s funds with it’s users and this new feature is shown to shut others and also be very beneficial for Facebook. In YouTube there is already a donate, add revenue and breaded button through which users can earn money through Facebook.

And YouTube has been providing this service to it’s users for a long period of time/ Through which YouTube users have been earning millions.


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