Why in the advertise of watch the time will be 10:10
Why in the advertise of watch the time will be 10:10
You might have seen lots of advertisement of watch and while watching watch you will look color, structure, type and price.
We don’t care what time will be on that watch which is kept on the display. But if you have noticed than the watch that is kept on the advertisement whatever the time be it will always be 10: 10 on that watch and there is the reason behind it.
The two needle is faced on that situation which shows the structure of smiling face. Likewise the smiley on the art the needle of the watch too make it same. May be this is made to show the smiling structure.
Other reason is notice of the winning. This will shape as V which means victory. The most important thing is that to show the name of the brand of the watch this is made like it.
Most of the people says that when the watch was developed the time was 10:10 so after that it is made with this time.
There are various reason and people take it their own way and the listed way might be the reason that the watch that is kept to sale is turned like this.