Sulsule comedy video
Sulsule comedy video
A new Nepali comedy short movie called ‘Sulsue’ has been uploaded on YouTube. In the short movie a man exercises while he looks at his neighbors house.
New Nepali Short Movie Sulsule
There he sees a man who is very abnormal. He gets suspicious and starts to spy on him.
As soon as the mother leaves to work, the girl takes him inside and the next day he hears the girl saying that she hit him with scooter and it is her responsibility now to looks after him. As soon as the mother goes out she takes him in and the man goes to their house. There he sees the girl and the man having fun. The touch each other and have fun and end up having inter*cour$e. The man is perfectly fine and they are only acting so that the man can spend time with her.
The next day the man finds the mother of the girl with him and it shocks her the situation gets very awkward and the ending of the video is even more hilarious as all the secrets gets revealed and even the man acting to be abnormal runs away.