Local home made alcohols are said to be a delicious drink in Nepal. In different kinds of rituals of different castes, they are important and they must be present. But these kinds of home made alcohol are very harmful to health. Home made alcohols are made by fermenting different food products and the enzymes and bacteria that ferment them are very harmful for human health on their own.
But people mix different kinds of things in them which make them poisonous and many have lost their lives because of it. Police are trying as much as they can to stop the production of these kinds of alcohol and has been made strictly illegal. Police throw away these drinks but despite the efforts, the production has till not stopped in Kathmandu.
In the video it cam be clearly seen that different kinds of inedible things like clothes, shoes and even urea fertilizer are being used in the alcohol to make them more strong. But with the strength the toxicity of it also increases. These are the same drinks that are later sold in different kinds of shops and hotels and many people lose their lives because of it.
- See more at: http://medianp.tv/production-llegal-home-made-alcohol/#sthash.P8vPJiq2.dpuf