Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Nepali sentimental song “Duniyako Maya”

Nepali sentimental song “Duniyako Maya”

Latest Nepali modern and sentimental song presented by Vibes Digital Nepal Private Limited, a song of Bishwa Nepali title “Duniyako Maya” is released. This song is released on 13 April, 2016 through social sharing online site called as YouTube from the official subscribe channel of Vibes Digital Nepal, is about the love giving to a lady by a boy.
Singer of this sentimental and nostalgic type of Nepali modern song “Duniyako Maya” is Bishwa Nepali where the heart touching lyrics and matching as well as comfort music is composed by Aanandh Adhikari and Aanandh Rai respectively. This song is taken into the new music album called as ‘THE BEST OF ANAND RAI AND BISHWA NEPALI’. Audio of this song is made under the banner of Vibes Digital Private Limited.

In the video of this hear touching Nepali song, Bhanu Baral and Anushka K.C. are starring as husband and wife with a child artist Suvangi Baral as a daughter. These all artists are directed by Jeewan Rasaili. He is also a cinematographer, shoots the videos and editor, edited those all shoot clips. Post production of this song is done by IVM Films and Advertising Private Limited. See the song “Duniyako Maya” below.


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