Saturday, May 21, 2016

Male lions hu^nt and k!^l a buffalo

Male lions hu^nt and k!^l a buffalo

Lions are said to be the most d@ngerou$ wild animals as well as it is called the king of the jungle. It h@unt the animals for their food. It has the power to k!ll other more d@ngerou$ animals as well, even it can k!*ll human beings as well. In this video you can see the male lions who is hu^nt!ng the buffalo and finally k!*lled that buffalo.

Lions keeps on searching animals to K!ll them and eat. In this video you can see three d@ngerou$ lion who is in search of the food. They were hunt!ng and after a full week of hunting those three male lions succeed to k!ll the buffalo. More than 400 buffaloes came to rescue that victim buffalo but the lions refu$ed. This video shoot was done at South Africa where the film was made at Inyati game lodge, Sabi Sand Game Reserve.

This is absolutely amazing video where you can see the power of the lion. Three lions is k!llng the buffalo and even though four hundred buffalo came to rescue the lion didn’t leave it and continuously it haunted that buffalo and finally they k!lled it and ate that buffalo.


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