Saturday, May 21, 2016

Belfie Queens Get Down To Business

Belfie Queens Get Down To Business

People has different passion on their life. They in order to get success in their life does a lot of $tr*uggle and here you can see the same success of two curvy twins Dana and Nadia Bruna.

click here to watch vidio..

They did a lots of $tr*uggle to maintain their body and now they are succeed with what they wanted. Their body looks so $*xy, they has the big butts an big bre@$ts that looks so attractive and their body is perfectly curved and well maintained. 

They both has the same body feature. They both are 30 years old and they are living a luxury life now. They tells that they have been getting lots of offers due to their $*xy curves and they both has a combined Instagram with 1.1 million followers.

They have undergone a surgery where they transferred their 3 kg fats from other areas of the body for their pert posteriors. They insist that they were already genetically gifted to begin with. They are cosmetically enhanced and they both lives in Miami, Florida. They did the surgery over $60,000 for free just by doing the advertisement on their Instagram pages which were jaw-dropping. Their dedication and exercise made them this success which you can hear and see on this video.


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