Snake charmer pulls venomous snake through his nose and mouth
Snake charmer pulls venomous snake through his nose and mouth
A very $h)cking video has been uploaded on YouTube. The video shows a Pakistani snake charmer put a venomous snake through his nose and pull it out of his mouth.
30 year old Iqbal Jogi was filmed while putting the serpent into his left nostril at his village near Karachi. The procedure was ten minutes long. Then the snake charmer pulls the snake’s head out of from the back of his mouth. He then slowly slides the scaly creature through his insides.
Somehow he manages to keep the creature clam and pulls the wriggling beast to safety. Mr Jogi hails from a community of snake-charmers. He does the trick every single day to earn a living. Every time he shows his talent around local villages at weddings etc, he earns about 5 euros. He has eight children and he said that he needs to keep performing even though there is a r!$k that he might get k!lled if something goes wrong during the trick. He shared a story when he was bitten by a snake on the inside of his nose. He was left unconscious for 3 days.