Monday, August 22, 2016

Prachanda will be punished if found guilty: Senior advocate Ram Kumar Shrestha

Prachanda will be punished if found guilty: Senior advocate 

August 22, 2016 :

UCPN (Maoist) leader Devendra Paudel has said that the action against him and other party leaders is not acceptable. "I am surprised. If anyone is punished for merely putting ones opinions and holding discussions, then Prachanda and Baburam should be the ones who need to be punished because they hold closed door discussions every day. So, why aren’t they punished instead of us?" Paudel told reporters in a programme at Reporters' Club. He said that it is not acceptable that action was taken against Gangalal Shrestha and Ram Rijan Yadav in a way that they not even remain central committee members. The party had suspended four leaders from the standing committee and central committee on Monday last week. Ganga Narayan Shrestha and Ram Rijan Yadav were suspended from the central committee, while Devendra Poudel and Top Bahadur Rayamajhi were suspended from the standing committee member but shall remain in the central committee. He expressed the need to dismantle parallel committees to solve party's internal rift. He said that the central committee meeting should be called soon to discuss this. "Some leaders are after taking action against us. Why shouldn’t they be punished? The central committee meeting will discuss about calling special convention. And only the special convention can solve all the conflicts," he said. Paudel opined that there is no alternative to Prachanda and Baburam working together until the country gets a new constitution.


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