Saturday, June 18, 2016

Wife gets $tu*fed in car trunk by husband

Wife gets $tu*fed in car trunk by husband

A $hock!ng Chinese footage has emerged. And the footage shows a man stuffing a woman in the boot of his car and driving off after beating her in front of onlookers.

In the beginning of the video the man tries to force the woman into the boot so he can close the door. That is when he is challenged halfheartedly by bystanders. As the woman tries to break free from the man, the man slaps her multiple times and even throws punches at the woman’s face. The $tr*uggle is believed to have taken place at a gas station near Huanghua.

In a bid to make her back down, the man even slams the boot door back and forth onto the woman’s head. At the time a woman goes to help her but she stops mid way. The man forces the woman to retract her hand as he manages to get her lying down and slams the boot door down on it. This allows the man to close the boot. After the $trug*gle, the man seen out of breath and as he checks his keys, he leans against the car. The onlookers on the other hand just stand by.

The man in the footage gets a lot of cr!ticism for his behavior along with the by standers who give up protesting after the work was done.
