Sunday, June 5, 2016

What to do when the blood pressure is low?

What to do when the blood pressure is low?

Likewise high blood pressure some people has the problem of low blood pressure. Even the person with low blood pressure needs the same care and should change the life style as well. If some one in your family or you have low blood pressure than you can apply the following things.

Quit alcohol and drink heavy water: There is the saying that drinking alcohol increases the blood pressure. Every 10 gram alcohol increases the blood pressure to 1 mmh. But if the pressure is nil you shouldn’t drink alcohol thinking that. Maximum alcohol brings the dehydration and the pressure decreases. You can drink heavy water instead.

Monitor the level of salt: If the pressure is high than you need to decrease the salt level. But if your pressure is low than you shouldn’t increase the salt. If you increase the level of salt than it bring the risk of high blood pressure and effects the organs of the body and harms the health. According to doctor you need to eat salt 2 to 3 mg per day.

Stop changing the position of the body suddenly: When you see blur or gets pain in head than be careful while changing the position of the body. You need to be careful while coming out from the bed. While standing up or when the pressure gets low you might see blur and the accident might occur. So you need to be careful while standing or changing the position of the body.

Decrease the level of carbohydrate food: They don’t suggest to eat the food with carbohydrate for the people with less blood pressure. Eating such food decreases the pressure and hypertension too decreases.

Don’t take a steam of hot water: Bathing long time or taking steam for the long time with hot water makes the vision blur and headache. So don’t take a pleasure of hot water on bath tab. If possible bath on a chair. While standing be on a good position.

Eat food time to time: The people with low blood pressure suffer from hypertension and the vision gets blur after eating food so don’t eat heavy food at once you can eat less but time to time.

Wear Stocking: According to doctor wearing stocking can prevent from the risk of low pressure. While wearing this the blood on upper part remains for long time.



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