The ho*tte$t thief in the world
The ho*tte$t thief in the world
All thieves and ro*bbers are $c@ry and d@nge*rous. People with beautiful figure and face also have bad habits. She is known as the $e*x!e$t criminal in the world.
This 22 year old Canadian lady has recently been kept in jail for 10 days as per the orders of court for ro*bbery. But the sho*cking thing is that she does not have to stay in jail every day. She lives a fun life from Monday to Friday and she is in jail only on Saturday and Sunday.
She has been announced with the pun!$hment because she robbed 39 houses, use of !l*legal weapons and other 114 crimes. She did all the cr!mes herself. She has also used babies of age 13, 14 and 17 year old. Her art to ro*bbing in phenomenal. While ro*bbing she enters a house through the back door or window. She has already robbed half a crore rupees and also many other antique things.