Science student group chooses the SLC must be brought science and math grade C Plus Plus means 50 to 60 percent of .C. English C (40 to 50 percent), social, and English plus at least D (30 to 40 percent) is solely to bring at least 1.6 GPA 11 pravidhikatarpha study is to bring. It is also science, mathematics and English C grades, social, and English D plus to bring a. To study management group 1.6 GPA, math C, English, Nepali, social and theoretical and experimental science .In the D Plus to bring the matter to bring a different grade standards not specified. This decision experimental and theoretical e brought a plus also receive students are enrolled.
This learning ability impaired students to study in the class would have been 11. Two visayasamma D and E grade student grade increased to bring the test day .Most study of arrangement to study the subject in English is called C and D plus to be brought in harmony with grade C and D means 40 to 50 plus 30 to 40 percent. The student must choose management group would also be brought in English D Plus system has not merely a student has received 24 Training Plus is said. In principle only brought 6 number 'E' must faction. Training is both theoretical and number prioratize 30. D Plus is taken graders .Yet, and that the system will read and Training to bring much-grade theoretical learning ability impaired students lack the higher level would have to study.
Educationist Dr. Prasad Wagle less than 1.6 GPA, said given the option to bring the lack of options to give phela grade, "he said," at least 50 per cent of the science group to study the law school community have studied the science of the students to read again would have been deprived pravidhikama all khullapravidhika education and vocational training Council (CTEVT) also organic and affiliated college has decided to take the base. Three year diploma level study is to bring at least 2 GPA svasthyatarphaka subjects, engineering, agriculture, forestry, turijmalagayata other topics of study in English, mathematics and science courses tiesaelasi C grade is to bring a minimum 0.8 GPA to bring E grade and student study according to the provision sitiibhitile. Sitiibhitile learning ability of students has made one-year courses.