Rs.50,000 Cash fines to foreigner who take part in protest
Rs.50,000 Cash fines to foreigner who take part in protest
Morang District , a part of Province No. 1, is one of the seventy-five districts of Nepal.Morang district along with Sunsari district and parts of Jhapa district were once under the old Morang Kingdom of Limbuwan. Later descendents of Kirat family converted into Hinduism and the names of Subbas(Kings) of Limbuwan were Hinduised. Most of the district is rural, though it is also home to Biratnagar, the second largest city in Nepal after Kathmandu, capital city of the nation. Other minor towns include Urlabari, Biratchowk, Belbari, Pathari and Rangeli. It also boasts the largest industrial area in the whole country, expanding from Rani Mills Area to Duhabi River. Biratnagar Jute Mills and Dhanawat Matches are among the nation’s oldest industries.
Most of the district is rural, though it is also home to Biratnagar, the second largest city in Nepal after Kathmandu, capital city of the nation. Other minor towns include Urlabari, Biratchowk, Belbari, Pathari and Rangeli. It also boasts the largest industrial area in the whole country, expanding from Rani Mills Area to Duhabi River. Biratnagar Jute Mills and Dhanawat Matches are among the nation’s oldest industries.