Monday, May 23, 2016

Now plants will grow with no soil and less water

Now plants will grow with no soil and less water

Now soil is not required to grow plant and a very less water. This has been made possible by Dr. YS through Hydroponic system. In this a net of a special kind of pipe of plastic is made in in poly house. This helps to add water in hu*ge amount at a time. This works on rotation every 10-15 days.

Nutritional compounds found in soil are added to the water. Entire system is computerized. With this plants can be grown with not diseases. This system is very beneficial in those places where there is barren land and sudden change in weather, but for this farmers need to spend a lot of money. But scientists are trying to find out how farmers will be able to afford it. But the Project of BB has already got a green flag and more than 90 lakh man power have been collected. There will be more research done to the make the system more effective and cheaper.

Irrigation will be done in 10-15 days Hydroponic method is completely computerized. With this farmer can grow different vegetables with no soil. This also decreases the risk of diseases in plants that are caused because of soil. Plants d not need to be irrigated for 10-15 days once they are watered. Better quality vegetables According to Dr. Bijay Singh form BB, this method has already been started at BB. If is works, then it will be revolutionary in the agricultural field. Another Doctor said that BB is making efforts to teach hydroponic method to every common farmer. More research are being done to make it easier, more effective and profitable.
