Thursday, May 26, 2016

Nepal accuses India of attempting regime change in Kathmandu

Nepal accuses India of attempting regime change in Kathmandu

A diplomatic rift between Nepal and India has deepened after Kathmandu alleged that New Delhi backed a failed political move to topple the government by the opposition Nepal Congress Party (NCP), with the help of the Maoist United Communist Party of Nepal (UCNPM). The Indian government has denied any involvement. In retaliation on May 6, Kathmandu recalled its envoy to New Delhi—Deep Kumar Upadhyay, a former NCP leader. Nepali Defense Minister Bhim Rawal said that “Upadhyay seemed to play an internal role in the exercise to change the current government [and] that was the main reason on his recall.” Nepali President Bidhya Devi Bhandari’s also cancelled a five-day visit to India scheduled from May 9. India reacted by calling off a planned visit by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Nepal on May 21 to participate in a Buddhist conference.


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