Wednesday, May 11, 2016

NASA's Kepler discovers 1,284 planets

NASA's Kepler discovers 1,284 planets

May 11, 2016 :
NASA has discovered 1,284 new planets. It's the largest finding of planets at one time and double the number of previously confirmed planets from the Kepler mission."Kepler is the first telescope for detecting small rocky planets in the habitable zone of their stars," said Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA. "Thanks to Kepler, we know exoplanets are common, most stars in our galaxy have planetary systems and they are potentially habitable planets. Knowing this is the first step to addressing whether are we alone in the universe." CNN

"Planet candidates can be thought of like bread crumbs," said Morton. "If you drop a few large crumbs on the floor, you can pick them up one by one. But, if you spill a whole bag of tiny crumbs, you're going to need a broom. This statistical analysis is our broom."


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