Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Re$cued women who was about to c)mm!t $u!c!de

Re$cued women who was about to c)mm!t $u!c!de

Many people when they lose the hope in their life thinks to quit their life. This mostly happens when you get mentally ill when people cannot think properly with their mind. Here one of the women with the mental problem and who has tried to attempt $*u!c!de is c@ught on this camera.

 As here you can see a video where a women is trying to jump from the window and she is n*^de and she jumped from the window of an apartment but she was stuck on an AC unit and she is luckily saved as she was rescued by Emergency service unit. They tried to convince her to get sown and not to end the life and they finally convinced her and clothed her and took her to hospital. As the officers have confirmed that she will be treated for mental illness and she don’t need to pay any charges for that. Every people on life gets problem but ending life is not just a solution they should tackle out their life and the situation and get up being strong. Everyone gets problem but they should tackle their problem very well and live their life fulle$t. - See more at: http://nagrikpost.com/recued-women-who-was-about-to-cmmt-ucde/#sthash.57XtUqRM.dpuf


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