Nepali Short Movie Shali vs Vena
Nepali Short Movie Shali vs Vena
When some boy and girl gets close there will be the mi$co*ncept to the people who is watching them. They start to think wrong about their relationship
Even there is nothing they feels like they are close with each other and they are attached with each other and when it comes to own that will be very hard like this short film.
In this film you can see one of the married couples and a sister of that wife. They were living on the same house, and wife sees her sister getting close to her husband and that was disturbing her a lot. And they were talking secretly and when she goes there they stops to talk.
That wife was getting wrong she is thinking that her sister and her husband getting affair with each other and she gets so angry that she $colds her sister and ask her not to come to that house ever and sister cries and told that she won’t come and there is nothing like she is thinking but she doesn’t listen and later one day it was the birthday of her and that time she finds a letter with a gift from her sister on which she was telling that she was been planing her birthday with brother in law and she cries and regrets after that.