Having s*^u@l relation in the young age is getting normal. These days most of the young people in mutual understanding have this relationship.
Male most of the time marries soon or have $*x with the girl or he gets to the pro$t!tute to get the $*x satisfaction. There will be no love on the $*x of the man and pro$t!tute, this is just a satisfaction. Most of the female takes this way by their own compulsion. Their financial condition becomes weak at their home so they are forced to sell their body. They will get no better option than earning money this way.
On this term to show the condition of such female here is the video in the YouTube. In this one of the v!rg!n male is shown as a main character. In this video you can see him calling one of the women for $*x. They talks for a while and after that women goes to bath and on that term the male checks the female’s phone and he sees such thing that he doesn’t do anything with her but gives the money and walks away. This is the situation that relates to most of the pro$t!tute over the world.