Thursday, July 21, 2016

Kids jump into river second before train arrives

Kids jump into river second before train arrives

A very shocking and spine chilling video has emerged on the internet. The incident took place in main city of UP i.e. Gujarat and the video is shocking.

There 7 kids jump off a bridge in Ghaziabad district. They then leap one-by-one into the Upper Ganga Canal. The entire inc!dent has been captured on camera. The video was uploaded on twitter by News Agency NAI. Seeing the video, it seems as if the kids are doing so on purpose.

The video is very shocking as the kids can be seeing actually enjoying doing so and the moment they jump second before jumping into water is dev@stating. This is a very d@ng*erous act and UP Police has now said that they are deploying extra patrols to stop other youths from playing on the train tracks. The police is taking the act very $eriously because one wrong move could have resulted in de@th of any one of the children.


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