Bre@$tfeeding in Public
Bre@$tfeeding in Public
Bre@$tfeeding is one of the way to feed your baby child and here in this video you can see the reaction of people when they see the women who is bre@$tfeeding in public.
Here two females came up with different looks where one looked so $*xy and she was exposing her breast wearing a $*xy dress where half bre*@$t were seen clearly and similarly there was another women with a baby child and she was feeding milk to the baby.
In this time firstly the reaction of people was tested to the women who were looking $*xy, she was sitting and many people just notice her and didn’t even bother her and walked away and similarly when on the same place a women with baby were sitting and she was feeding her milk to the baby, at that time every people gave a wrong reaction upon her, they were doing like it is sh@meful and illegal to bre@$tfeed in public.
Ans similarly when two women were sitting on a place many people came and sho*uted at a women who was bre@$tfeeding and no one told anything to that $*xy women who was showing her half boobs. In this video you can see the entire reaction of the people seeing the two different women.