Benefits of Yogurt & Whey
Benefits of Yogurt & Whey
During the formation of yogurt from milk creates special kind of bacteria. This gives positive reaction to health. Yogurt is source of that calcium, which is very important for the bone of children, pregnant and old age group.
Calcium plays a vital role for bone. Specially, as the age grows, the bone density decreases in a ratio and will have a r!$k of osteoporosis named diseases. This problem is seems in high amount during the menopause time. Yogurt is good source of calcium.
Yogurt is the best alternative for the people who don’t likes to have milk or adult and children who could not digest milk. Some of the people suffer from diarrhea with apply of anti-biotic. Yogurt is also good to stay away from this problem. Yogurt is good for diarrhea and also gives relief to constipation.
A research shows that the very useful bacteria of yogurt will decrease the activity of bacteria which creates cancer. It gives help to intestine cancer.
Research also states that Asian countries; Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan and Europian country; Bulgaria civil uses the maximum amount of yogurt. So, they are healthy. In a health program, Dr. David Burner stated that yogurt and rice is very good during the diarrhea period.
Constipation is the big but common problem of modern society. Constipation invites lots of problems for body. Constipation will itself rid way with regular consumption of yogurt and whey. Yogurt itself is full diet as it fulfills all the requirement of body.
Yogurt also can be used for beauty purpose. It can be use for the dandruff problem. Applying yogurt and lemon mixture for around 2 hours will give rid from dandruff problem easily.