Wednesday, July 6, 2016

BASE Jump Fail

BASE Jump Fail

Austin Carey who was 23 years old and Jay Rawe who was 25 years are the two brave base jumpers. They had a several year of the experience of the base jump. In this video we can see the jump of them through the Perrine Bridge, Idaho. They have done this since many years. But here we can see even they are experienced sometimes mistake happens and they fails though they have the experience.

In this video we can see Austin and Jay were attempting the Base jump where Jay lost his balance and pulled out of his friend’s parachute and landed inside of it. They both got an @cc*ident from the height of the bridge during jump which was above 50ft, they broke their back after this terrific and hor*rible jump. But this inc*ident didn’t made them scare and they started jumping again even though they failed the last time.

Both suffered various internal !nj*uries along with the fr@c*tures in spine, Austin was told he might not walk again. But this didn’t happened and almost after a year of recovery both of them returned for the adventures that they loved. At the end Austin got successful in base jumping again from the Perrine bridge. This video contains very awkward moment and it is very motivating as well.


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