Are you fed off of common cold?
Are you fed off of common cold?
Here is some tips Russian Penciling said problem, contamination and leprosy problem since the ancient time. In real to be healthy we need to eat garlic, this is the natural anti-biotic. You can take this while in common cold. If the garlic is grinned or it is chewed than its elements becomes allicin. Allicin makes our body energetic and it maintains the high blood pressure, virus contamination and the other contamination as well.
With the various study it has found that garlic stops some kinds of cancer. In ancient time garlic was used to remove the harmful elements of the lungs and blood. The main thing to be noted is that garlic can be used after it is grinned. If you keep the grinned garlic for 10 minutes than the allisin will be activated in all way.
Garlic Tea:
You can boil 1 piece of garlic on 3 cup water and add 2 piece of garlic on it and keep it for 5 minutes. For the taste you can use honey.
Garlic for common cold:
Drink the water adding the garlic piece and after that drink one clean water after that. Do it on a interval of time. If you feel hard to drink it you can add honey on it.
Garlic and honey:
In case of cough you can add honey and one piece of garlic and eat this mixture at once and drink one glass water after that. Do it for 3 times in a day.
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