While buying jeans care this five things
While buying jeans care this five things
While searching a clothes that could last longer for the employees of America, it was found the jeans and now it is been popular among celebrities to the local normal people.
According to fashion designer, the thing that you should be careful while buying jeans are
1. While buying jeans always see the level, you can know the amount of cotton through the level of jeans. If the level of cotton in jeans is 90 to 100 percent than it is comfortable, otherwise it won’t happen. This is the only difference between less and high price jeans.
2. Buy fit jeans always. Jeans was designed for the American Labor which was fit to their body while working and if the thin people wear the big jeans it looks like they are wearing sack. Next thing is that when you wear the fit jeans it will be for more time, specialist suggest the thin people not to wear the jeans.
3. People who works cargo jeans would be applicable and good for them. Cargo jeans means the pant with bog pockets and the fashion designer suggest that while working they can keep their things on that pocket.
4. People who are thin they should prefer skinny jeans. The jeans which is stick to the body is called skinny jeans. It will look good to thin and slim people.
5. People with round body should prefer the jeans with arc shape. Designer says that people with big thigh will look good on such jeans.