Saturday, June 4, 2016

The ways to ask number with the girls

The ways to ask number with the girls

Don’t be so hurry to get the number of the girl instead try to win her trust. Here are the ways that you can apply to get the number of girl.

1. How to ask number?
This situation comes in everyone’s life when they will want a number of the girl. They wants to take their friendship ahead but they couldn’t collect the courage. They fears that if the girl might think them wrong and deny from giving the number. So here is the way to ask the number with the girl.
2. First win her trust
You need to make her trust that if she will give her number you won’t misuse. The girl gives the number when she trust that man. It might take long time to get her number and you need to control your ego and be patience than you will get her number.
3. Tell her to be in contact
Tell that it is very hard to be in touch with him and ask her if you can call her sometime? Don’t tell anything except this. If she has no problem than she will give you her number.
4. Don’t show that you are in hurry
No girl will want a desperate boy which is found in every corners, girls likes to stay away from such persons. If you like the girl, you don’t need to show it else she will get far from you and she will never give her number so don’t be hurry to get the number.
5. Don’t take the help of lies
Don’t ask her number lying her telling that you want to do friendship with her, girl will easily catch the lies. This is one of the common trick so stay away from it.
6. Don’t take the help of friends
Be careful that you need to get number from her only. Don’t take the help of third person. You will have to return as loser if you do so. She will think that you have no guts to ask the number yourself.
7. Give her some time
To talk only the number is not sufficient. If she don’t want to give her number and she wants time than wait. she might ignore with some excuses you can ask it next time.
8. Why you need number?
Every girl will asks this question when you ask the number. You need to face it and you need to be creative on this. You need to be ready with the answer. Every girl wants the boy to follow her but she will love it when she too likes that boy.


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