Saturday, June 25, 2016

Shine your teeth bright in 5 minutes.

Shine your teeth bright in 5 minutes.

The problem of yellow teeth is being problem of many people. Due to the yellow teeth many people have lost their self confidence as well. Here are the tips to remove the yellowness of the teeth.

1. Tulasi has the magical power to remove the yellowness of the teeth. This also has the power to prevent the various problems of mouth and teeth. Dry the leaf of tulasi on the sun and make a powder of it and after this the yellowness of the teeth gets away and you will get bright teeth.

2. In our village there is a trend of cleaning the teeth with salt and oil, add the salt in pure mustard oil and clean the teeth this will make your teeth shine.

3. Keep the cover of orange on the sun and make a powder of it and tulasi and massage teeth with that powder after brushing the teeth. This will make your teeth bright.

4. Eat carrot after eating food, this helps to clean the teeth.

5. Use the neem wood to clean the teeth this will make your teeth shine and it wont allow any disease enter in the teeth.

6. Take a lemon juice and add same water as the juice and after eating food rinse mouth with the lemon water, this will make your teeth white as well as the problem of bad breathe also gets away.

7. The malice acid on strawberry helps to make the teeth bright and shine.

8. Make a paste of banana and massage the teeth everyday with it. Doing it daily you will surely see a result.
