Monday, June 6, 2016

Learn why people eat fennel seed, betel leaf or cardamom after meal

Learn why people eat fennel seed, betel leaf or cardamom after meal

-Mix some fennel seed, cardamom and ginger or a pinch of asafetida in a cup of water. Do not forget to eat a piece of ginger every time after meal to avoid gas.
– Eat fennel seed when there is a problem of constipation. Consuming it is very beneficial for digestion and to relief constipation.
– You can use cardamom seeds if your breath smells a lot. It is known to be the most beneficial to cure bad breath and bad breath is also cured by having betel with mint and cardamom.
– Eating cardamom after meal can be very beneficial. It helps to digest food. And because of it’s properties, internal burn is also cured. You can use it even when you are feeling like vomiting.
– Components in cardamom works to get rid of free radicals and other toxins from the body. It also keeps blood clean.
-Drink a ginger tea if you have cough problem. Drinking it calms the neck which cured cough and also reliefs other neck irritations. It can be cured by taking honey with small pieces of ginger too.
-Betel cures many diseases. If you only use the leaf then it is very beneficial. Eating it can cure the most serious diseases. It has many antiseptic properties.
– Betel leaf has many properties which help to fight against bad breath. And adding different spices like fennel seed, cardamom, etc to it makes it a very good mouth fresher.
– If you have bleeding gums because of swelling or lumps on your gums, boil some betel leaves and make a paste out of it. Apply it on gums and the bleeding will stop right away.
– The juice of betel leaf is also known to have gastroprotective properties which helps to prevent gastric and ulcer.


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