How to remove Spots of Pimples
How to remove Spots of Pimples

1. Don’t touch it:
People have a habit of pinch pimples while its shows in yellow color. They destroy it but doing these are bad for health and face. It cause black spot on face.
2. Coconut Water:
Mix coconut water with cucumber water and use it on the face which make your face clean and remove white sopts.
3. Black Pulse:
Remove the cover of black pulse and mix it with mix whole night. Next morning, you have to make flour of pulse and mix it with lemon juice and honey. Use the paste on your face which remove spots.
4. Tulasi and Neem:
Mix a spoon of turmeric with the powder of Tulasi and Neem leaves. Make the paste of these things which leps to remove black and red spot as well pimples of face.
5. Green Tea:
It include Tanic Acid which prevent from black and red spots on face. Boil a cup of water with three green tea bag and mix ginger. Boil for sometime until the water become half portion. Use the water and substance on face which prevent from pimples and remove spots.
6. Ice:
Use the piece of ice at the pimples and sopt area which helps to remove sopts and prevent from pimples.
7. Cover of orange:
Make a dust of orange’s cover and mix with water. Use these paste on face and wash after sometime.
People have a habit of pinch pimples while its shows in yellow color. They destroy it but doing these are bad for health and face. It cause black spot on face.
2. Coconut Water:
Mix coconut water with cucumber water and use it on the face which make your face clean and remove white sopts.
3. Black Pulse:
Remove the cover of black pulse and mix it with mix whole night. Next morning, you have to make flour of pulse and mix it with lemon juice and honey. Use the paste on your face which remove spots.
4. Tulasi and Neem:
Mix a spoon of turmeric with the powder of Tulasi and Neem leaves. Make the paste of these things which leps to remove black and red spot as well pimples of face.
5. Green Tea:
It include Tanic Acid which prevent from black and red spots on face. Boil a cup of water with three green tea bag and mix ginger. Boil for sometime until the water become half portion. Use the water and substance on face which prevent from pimples and remove spots.
6. Ice:
Use the piece of ice at the pimples and sopt area which helps to remove sopts and prevent from pimples.
7. Cover of orange:
Make a dust of orange’s cover and mix with water. Use these paste on face and wash after sometime.