Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Different world and different fact

Different world and different fact

Culture and food are interrelated terms. The fooding of the people depends on the culture and ways of their livelihood. In that case, the grotesque forms of foods are available in the world which is categorized under the non veg. In the case of Indonesia, in one of the biggest markets in the touristic spot of Langowan, Indonesia, here is everything which will make you shock. It is not the matter of magic which will make the viewers shock but it is about the gruesome views which will make the viewers tortured when they see the views found in the market of Indonesia.

From battered snake to spit-roasted bats, the smorgasbord of traditional delicacies on offer are not exactly appetizing. But they are ready made in the markets so that they can be bought by the local to fulfill their appetite. It is a taboo for those who do not eat but it can be the delicacies to the locals of Indonesia. The live dogs in the cages are roasted with the blowtorches on the pavement. Three meter long snakes are also sprawled in the tables so that they can be bought by the locals. The next recipes include pickled rats, boar legs, and bite-size bats on sticks and roasted lizards are cut open and displayed on their backs with their insides on show.


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