The 9 reasons to eat apple

Apple contains phosphorus, similarly it contains iron, protein, calcium, carbohydrate and vitamin-c and b. This is very beneficial for the heart patient.

For the stone, apple is considered as a medicine. If the patient eats 3 to 4 apples per day they will be recovered.
The heart patient should eat 2 apples before food.
The person with the vision problems should eat one apple per day.
When you feel cough, there will be irritation, you will feel thirsty. Drinking the juice of apple will reduce this problems.
This also removes the constipation k!lling all the harmful bacteria of the body.
Eating apple daily keeps the lings healthy and helps to work better.
This gets rid from the disease like diabetes, heart, blood pressure etc. This also helps to reduce the weight.
If you have problem in sleeping than eat one apple before sleeping and hot milk you will get good sleep.
Drinking one glass juice adding the sugar rock than the cough gets recovered.
If you have the irritation problem or gets unconscious than eating apple will recover to some extent.