Thursday, May 26, 2016

Suresh Kedia has been abducted.

Kalaiya (Bara) - Birgunj Food Industry Management Suresh Kedia has been abducted. He traveled by car on Thursday evening vine mahagadimai Bara municipality, badiyapurabata are abducted. Indian number pletakae skarpiyaema emailed to center in the evening about seven o'clock amidst vyaktikae gang abducted lagekae is bataiekae. The kidnappers shot the driver Umesh Shah Kedia Indian simatarpha taken by SP Narendra Upreti said police had received information. Police have been deployed to search for the possible place, he said. Kedia udyaegi abducted and shot dead the driver's condition is not known that. Kedia of Kedia abducted his brother, Chairman of Birgunj Chamber of Industry vaniajya.


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