PROMOTION Nepali H)**t Short Movie
PROMOTION Nepali H)**t Short Movie
A new ho**t and $e**xy short movie have been uploaded in YouTube. This short movie have been uploaded by Movies Nepal.It is full of ho**t and glamour. This movie carries some social issue and a big social message.
A girl is going far away for the promotion of her husband. She have lost her conscious just to achieved a promotion of her husband. A boss of her husband once get invited their house. She plans to have promotion of her husband so she !nt!m@tes his boss towards her. Boss gets too much attracted towards her and gets !nt!m@ted. So, he suddenly comes to their house while her husband is not at home.
Wife gets the great opportunity to achieved her dream. She gives a $en$u@l moment to him so that he would attract towards her. She even have a phy$!c@l contact with boss of her husband. She forgets the everything and the reality of life, but just a dream of promotion. Promotion of her husband was that big for her that she would anything for that. A wife,who have lots of responsibility and duty in her life have been doomed by greed of promotion and had gone too far. She have done an irresponsible act and unacceptable thing in her life. However, husband comes to the room and finds that his boss have come to his room. He got in dilemma. But, the story is not end. Next series will come soon.