Sunday, May 29, 2016

Nepali Short movie my love

Nepali Short movie my love

People in love gets so crazy that even after the several ignorance they are not ready to leave them and no matter they continuously put on the effort to give happiness to the one they love. And some girls are so stubborn that they never see the right person who loves them and they keeps on !gn*oring.

 In between love and ignorance here is a Nepali Short movie “My Love” where you can see a deep love of the boy. People often says true love wins, they never gets separated no matter what and if someone loves with the pure heart sooner or later they will get the one they loves and this is shown in this film as well. In this film there is a boy and the girl from the same village, they came to city for their further study. They used to be friend but with some problem they stopped talking to each other. The boy used to love that girl since his childhood but the girl never loved him instead she !gnored him and she was so ru*de to him. Despite of all her ignor@nce, he waited her even though lots of girl were on his back he kept on waiting her and at last he gets her and they finally be in relation with each other. - See more at:


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