Don’t drink green tea on an empty stomach!
Don’t drink green tea on an empty stomach!

I am sure you have heard “Don’t drink on an empty stomach,” many times; but you probably had not imagined it would be related to green tea. Some people can go through extremely unpleasant experiences when drinking green tea, to the point of feeling nauseated, when drinking it on an empty stomach.So why is it that you may feel sick when drinking green tea on an empty stomach?
Chinese wisdom will tell you to avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach or with meals. In fact, Traditional Chinese Medicine will recommend against drinking tea on an empty stomach as it causes “coldness” to enter the lungs and stomach system.
From a Western perspective, there are also logical explanations why one should avoid drinking tea on an empty. The alkaline nature of green tea conflicts with the acids in the stomach; and, high-strength tea, especially if over infused, can over-stimulate the production of gastric-acids and cause stomach upsets.
Drinking tea with, or too close to your meals, on the other hand; can also have adverse effects. It can cause indigestion if you have a sensitive stomach. Tea inhibits the absorption of non-heme iron, which can be problematic to those with iron-deficiency or anemia; and it also reduces the absorption of vitamin B.