Thursday, May 12, 2016

Deep Kumar Upadhaya Nepal Ambassador to india

Deep Kumar Upadhaya Nepal Ambassador to india

Nepal’s outgoing ambassador Deep Kumar Upadhyay said on Tuesday that several policies of Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli’s government were unrealistic, though he would not challenge his government.Addressing his last press interaction, after receiving the ‘letter of recall’ from Kathmandu, he predicted that the government’s planned amendment process for the national constitution will fail.“The government requires the support of 207 members of the main Opposition party, the Nepali Congress, to pass major amendments and under the current circumstances Nepali Congress will not support the government’s plans,” he said.Demand for the amendments, guaranteeing equal citizenship rights, by the Nepalis in the border areas, also known as the Madhesis, triggered months-long economic blockade which strained ties between India and Nepal.


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