Challenges Faced in the Field
Challenges Faced in the Field
During the field stay, I had plenty of memorable experiences while acquiring
information from the Chepangs. They are innocent and enthusiastic to learn. They are
frank too. However, the researcher faced some difficulties in the course of garnering
of information from the respondents. Few respondents would become skeptical and
even reluctant to answer the questions. One of the respondents enquired for the
research’s results and outputs at the time of acquiring household information. He also
wanted to know that what he would get if he answered the questions that I asked him.
According to him he did not benefit from the research, he had talked and answered in
many times before with others who came from Kathmandu. He frankly said that
answering the questions was only waste of time for him. I convinced him and gave
some sticks of cigarette and he smoked. He also demanded for research’s importance
and result. I answered his queries convincingly. Only after that he did agree on giving
information to me. I addition, I felt discomforted when I went to nearby Chepang
village. I was sitting on the wooden plank in the courtyard of the Chepang house. The
head of the house was a primary school teacher. I informed him about my research
purpose but he was unwilling to answer me. He also said that he was fed up by
answering. After some minutes conversation (valakusari) he was finally ready to
answer me. Later on he also served me a glass of buffalo milk.