Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Baby girl

Baby girl

This story is about a Indian girl Laxmi Tatma. She is about to become the most popular girl in the world. She is extr@ord!nary because she is born with 8 limb$. She is worshipped as a goddess in her village. People from all over the world come to worship her. Her mother says that she has a dre@m about goddess Laxmi before her birth. Goddess Laxmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, she is also known to have multiple hands. People of the village pray to her but doctors say that the limb$ are caused due to a r@re condition.

Doctors do a lot of test on her and they say that the extra limbs are of her par@$!tic co*njo!ned twin who was not able to separate from her. The P@ra$!tic twin $ucke*d the bl00d from her body which would re$ult in lack of bl00d in her body. She also was not able to walk or sit properly because of the extra limb$. So her parents decide to take her under the knife so that she can le@d a happy life. Her parents say that they would want to see their daughter live like a any other normal girl. They wanted her to go to school and get education and not live such a life. That is why they got ready for the $urge*ry insp!te of all the cultural values.

The $urge*ry was very !nten$e and could result in de@th of Laxmi. But the doctors were able to pull the $urge*ry off successfully. It was a long procedure, her mother was also very sc@red about the $urge*ry and br0ke into te@rs. After the $urge*ry was successfully done the parents were very happy. Laxmi had to stay under medical $uperv!sion for a long period of time. Sometime later she was able to walk like a normal person and she also goes to school now. Her parents say that they are very happy with how she looks like now.


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