Saturday, May 21, 2016

7 easy ways to get rid to scratch on phone screen

7 easy ways to get rid to scratch on phone screen

Her are some easy and effective ways to get rid of scratch from smart phone screen:
1. Toothpaste:
Scratch on screen can be removed with the help of little toothpaste. Use a soft cloth to rub the toothpaste on the screen and it will be gone.

2. Baking Soda:
Scratch can also be removed with baking soda. Create a paste with baking soda and water and rub it on the screen with help of a soft cloth. The scratch will not be seen.

3. Oil:
Vegetables oil is also very effective. Adding a drop of oil on screen and wiping it with soft cloth can remove scratch. But do not do this if your screen has oleo-phobic coating written on it as it can rather add damage.

4. Vaseline:
Apply a small amount of Vaseline on screen. Leave it for a while and wipe with soft cloth. Using too much can cause damage. Do not do this if your screen has oleo-phobic coating written on it as it can rather add damage.

5. Pencil eraser:
Pencil eraser can be used if the scratch is small. Then clean the screen with damp cotton and the scratch will vanish. Use a clean eraser.

6. Scratch removing cream:
Car scratch removing cream can also be used to remove scratch on screen. Turtle Wax, 3M Scratch are very popular. Do not do this if your screen has oleo-phobic coating written on it as it can rather add damage.

7. Sand paper:
If you have a metallic framed and back covered phone, you can use sand paper to remove scratch. This can be used to remove scratch, which have been caused because of cases like. Putting keys and phone in same pocket. But it cannot be used on screen.


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