Monday, April 25, 2016

US Military F-35 Aircraft Carrier

US Military F-35 Aircraft Carrier

The F-35 program, which began in 2001, is 70 percent over initial cost estimates, and years behind schedule, but top US officials say it is now making progress. Lockheed is developing the F-35 for the Marines, Air Force and Navy, and eight countries that helped fund its development: Britain, Canada, Australia, Norway, Italy, Turkey, Denmark and the Netherlands. Israel and Japan have also ordered the jet.

Der Speigel, citing classified documents leaked by former US intelligence agent Edward Snowden, reported 18 January 2015 that hackers affiliated with the Chinese government stole “many terabytes” of sensitive military information including plans of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) – the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. The stolen data contained details of the stealth fighter’s “radar systems which are used to identify and track targets; detailed engine schematics; methods for cooling exhaust gases; and “aft deck heating contour maps”.

The Pentagon had admitted previously that cyberattackers made repeated attempts to hack into its database targeting the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter military program, and accused China of the intrusions. Both the Pentagon and Lockheed Martin Corp, the jet’s designer, asserted that no “classified information” was stolen during cyberattacks.

The U.S. Defense Department confirmed 08 January 2015 that the F-35 aircraft’s 25mm GAU-22 weapon system is on track to go operational in two years. The announcement follows reports that the General Dynamics weapon system was delayed until 2019.

The software for the F-35’s primary gun, a 25-mm rapid-fire cannon, won’t be ready to install until at least 2019 despite the fact that the jet is expected to be on the front line by the end of 2015. “There is no software to support it now or for the next four-ish years,” said one Air Force official affiliated with the F-35 program told the Daily Beast 31 December 2014. It “is slated for release in 2019, but who knows how much that will slip?” The Pentagon has had to ground F-35s more than a dozen times due to problems with the plane’s Pratt & Whitney-made engine. Another issue is that the stealth jet is actually easy to detect.

JSF is a joint, multinational acquisition program for the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and eight cooperative international partners. Expected to be the largest military aircraft procurement ever, the stealth, supersonic F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (F-35) will replace a wide range of aging fighter and strike aircraft for the U.S. Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and allied defense forces worldwide. The program’s hallmark is affordability achieved through a high degree of aircraft commonality among three variants: conventional takeoff/landing (CTOL), carrier variant (CV) and short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft. Innovative concepts and advanced technologies will significantly reduce weapon system life-cycle costs while meeting the strike weapon system requirements of military customers. Procurement is planned to continue through 2026 and possibly beyond. JSF aircraft may well stay in service until 2060 or longer.


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