Mother Elephant Tries To Rouse Her Unco*nsc!ous Calf
Mother Elephant Tries To Rouse Her Unco*nsc!ous Calf
This video is about a mother elephant and her immense love towards her 2-year-old child at the Olaro Motorogi Conservancy in South West Kenya.
This doomed love of a mother and child has took place when the SkyVets from David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Kenya Wildlife Service came from their service when they got a call through reporting a calf dragging a snare on his hind leg.
A child elephant fainted and became unco*nscious with the shot of tranquilizer given by the rescue team.Then, the warmth of mother flow over to him. A mother elephant is making hard labor to rouse her unconscious calf. She seems dis*tressed and traumatic.A calf has being darted by a compassionate veterinary team after it was injured by a poacher’s snare. A mother elephant is trying every way to protect her child.
The rescue team give another shot of tranquilizer to a mother elephant too because she may create a problem during their rescue and treatment project. As soon as she fainted, the team started their project and tried to finish as soon as possible because a mother elephant could rouse at any time.And they calmly finish their job and been able to give a healthy life to another wildlife. But the whole team involved in that rescue project has been so touched and scattered by the compassion of mother towards her child.