Lok Dhori Song “Latokosherole”
Lok Dhori Song “Latokosherole”
27 April 2016 –
The melodious Lok Dhori Song “Latokosherole” is a comic Nepali song which have very funny and doubtful meaning. The song is presenting the adult thinking about love relation and indirectly sexual relation. Hear the singer Shreedevi Devkota and Raju Dhakal composing the song I very funny way. The lyrics of this song are composed by Binod Dhakal. Music is composed by Shreedevi Devkota. The video is staring by hot singer and model Joti Magar and comedian Rajaram Bhattarai and directed by Shankar BC. For more detail about this video band regular update visit www.aajakokhabar.com.np .