Sunday, April 24, 2016

Its piercing

Its piercing

Join us visketajatra tongue piercing, it is customary for the eighth time, and this time jujubhaile smiles tongue. Tongue piercing is Sring listening to the thigh. But then, that is only just pierced tongue.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh is a festival celebrated in which the whole chemdera turlungai hanged jiulai tarabarale.
Charak Puja name, this festival is celebrated Bangladesh and India, including West Bengal.

According to the Nepali calendar year, the last day of the last day of the Hindu month of April dharmabalambile ceremony the festival .Every fallen into the traveler has his own bruises Sui and wire plant persuade means. All the pain and suffering here sakiyun next year, that year, with the pain may not realize this festival manaimdo


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