Exclusive Interiew Jyoti Magar
Exclusive Interiew Jyoti Magar
Jyoti Magar is known as Nepalese folk singer and model and now days she has earned new identity as hot item dancer in Nepali songs as she is being doing many item h*o and s*xy songs. She is one of the h*ot and s*xy female of this industry. Here in this video there is the interview with her. She is been asked many questions related to her career which was started in 2006. She is been the most demanding model and singer these days and she is been asked how she earned such popularity in this field. Though there are various artist str^uggling in this field but she is been chooses most of the time.
In this interview she is been asked about s*x, love and other glamorous h*ot talks. She is been asked many questions on such topics and she is been answering decently here with no hesitation. Here she told that she wants to introduce herself as a singer and this generation needs such music so she is been doing as per their choice. What the market demands she is been doing that, it’s her career and she need to do that. She distinguishes the types of female and she told that everyone is good on their way it’s about how you present yourself. Here in this video you can hear the complete interview. - See more at: http://medianp.tv/exclusive-interiew-jyoti-magar/#sthash.w9HRyPye.dpuf