Sunday, April 24, 2016

Best Moment Wild Animal

Best Moment Wild Animal

A look at the wild animal kingdom reveals a different picture. In Africa, the wildest of wild places, the single-most dangerous animal is not the lion or leopard or the sniveling hyena or crocodile or wild dog it’s the hippo. Hippos kill more people every year than all the carnivores put together. They attack with misguided provocation the big bulls ostensibly think you’ve made eyes at their babes and want to take over their harem, and the ladies think you have designs on their roly-poly barrage balloon offspring. Really, who would make eyes at a lady hippo (Gloria in Madagascar notwithstanding), or want to rough and tumble with 300 kg of frolicsome hippo baby? But if the river-master spots you, he will charge your boat or canoe, flip it over and chomp you into chunks with those dreadful teeth and then spit you out and leave you for the crocs to finish. Nice. In India, the animal most feared in the jungles is again, not the tiger or leopard, but the elephant. Meet one of these reputedly peace-loving giants in the jungle and even the most seasoned forest guard will get tense. Meet a tiger, and at the most the big cat will make a rude face and rude noises and slink away, the leopard (even if you’re a dog or a child and it is hungry) won’t let you see it, even as it tracks every move you make.


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