Wednesday, April 27, 2016

10 Most Awkward Family Photos Ever

10 Most Awkward Family Photos Ever

Description: Aw, the awkward family photo. A tradition that lives on in many a kinship to portray a good family relationship and usually embarrass the children. There are awkward family photos and then there are these - the MOST awkward family photos on earth. They don’t just showcase families that are uncomfortably posing in front of a photographer. They are so much more. They are weird, confusing, and downright cringe-worthy in most cases. But that’s exactly what makes them so great! Whether it’s a husband and wife duo, siblings, or the whole gang, there are some awkward family photos you have to see to believe. They range from questionable choices – like the couple who decided it would be a great idea to Lady and the Tramp a banana, to poses that are good in theory, but horrible in reality – think everyone linking together for dear life. And then there are the ones that are down right wrong. Like the family who dressed up in hairy naked costumes, where the camera snapped just as the daughter was playing with the dad’s fake penis. Or the father who is fully groping his daughter’s breast and holding an axe to it. Where the families got these ideas I have no clue. How they thought they would ever be good ideas is way beyond me. But luckily for us they exist, because even if they’re awkward for the family, they’re pretty hilarious for everyone else. Actually, okay, they’re awkward for absolutely everyone who looks at them too. In today’s video you’ll see 10 of the most awkward photos on earth. Gather your family round and get ready for some laughs!

                               click here to watch vidio..


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