Doctor savagely be@ts her patient on operating table
Doctor savagely be@ts her patient on operating table
From China a very hor*rify!ng videos has emerged.
The video captures the moment a female doctor be@ts a patient on the operating table over an alleged dispute about medical bills. According to reports the footage was secretly filmed by nurses last September. The incident took place at a private hospital in Inner Mongolia’s Hohhot and the nurses wanted to expose the doctor’s behavior. But the video was given to TV station to be shared among the public on 8th of March. The patient was already on the operating table and it was thought that the female surgeon was trying to ask for more money from the patient. The female patient is clearly in distress as seen in the 60-second video that has been filmed using a hidden camera. As the doctor stands at the end of her bed wearing scr*ubs looking over her, the patient lies on the operation table wearing nothing but a hospital gown. Before she grabs her legs and slaps her around the head and on her legs, it is unclear what she says to the patient .